Thursday, April 19, 2007

screw the fact tt we've got her for our last yr.and screw her. i mean.. i knw i had nthing to do with the shit tt happened today and why she blew her brains up like tt. but .. i certainly was filled with pisstation , uncontrollable hatred at tt point and naturally the sense of being erked out. i mean WTH? u just flare up as u pls. when u don;t feel good , u freaking shout the crap outta urself.. and bring everything else in. when u don't actually bother normally. i cldn't be bothered to shout back. and even if i did , u'd probably do sm stupid thing to go against me. so what the heck? i;d rather just let all these emotions stay inside me and get my yr over and done with.

on another note. i skipped library today. i don;t knw why! i just felt like chilling so on my way back .. i stpped by the newsstand and got myself style , cleo and her world mags! and got home .. took a long bath and just read and chilled.

OUH! i wanna get the dvd for the movie closer. ALSO , i wanna catch midsummer night's dream! ... at fortcanning.

i've have a pile of work ! GOSH! tgif tmrw man!
i MIGHT be meeting gabs to head dwn twn tml aft lessons. bt then again , i end SO late. oh well. shall see!

and last i heard , joa's coming back soon! muhahaha. more holland.v coming up!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well said.

4:28 PM  

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