Sunday, July 29, 2007

joa texted me from aussie.that darl.


i'll take a break frm the cyber life. i'll come back when im ready or when im done dealing with life's shitholes. it'll act as a good abstain frm the com also. which is a good thing.

im done with expecting too much. okay.. i'll rephrase it. im done expecting frm people.
and im done thinking that everything will turn out okay.

on another whole different expect,

i sense a whole different person when i look at pictures and see you the way you are when we're around other people. maybe i can't take the difference. and i want someone really true to be there. thank you though. hahahaha. for everything. you've made plenty of times special. (:

im not ending it here though. not like linkin park. dont worry. (:

i need to hang out with the ones i love. like really go wild and shop till we drop like we all used to.
i'll have the time , SOON! (:

take care ya'll!


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