Saturday, July 28, 2007

ohman! ha. i need my life back. really do! haven't seen myself in twn seen ... a LONG time. hah. okay.point is , im beginning to feel .. like im circulating only round woodlands and the furtherest being only yishun esp during the week. still , 've gotta loose some to get some! HA.

anyway , im beginning to be damn accident prone. few weeks back. i fell smack down scraping my knees cause shadiq INTENTIONALLY tripped me for his own sense of self humour . and then it was last week that i hammered my finger and cause a blood clot. then.. i accidentally sawed my finger during another time in the workshop. and today , aft the cip , when we girls were getting out of a stall.. i missed a step and fell. funny thing was , i was kneeling dwn. haha. the fall turned my ankle into a shitload of pain aft i got up in the aftnoon. SEE now why i say im being damn accident proned nowadays?

ANYWAY! the cip this yr turned out to be super-ly unfruitful. its the first that i stood and just smiled. and i was really amazed at the no. of people willing to donate when u just stand and smile! haha. okay. bt i did that for less then an hr. and the rest of the time was just spent lazing. and we landed ourselves in starbucks. hahah. of all places. the rest of the guys met us up later part. and i screwed my tastebuds cause i took on the new mango/passionfruit juice blend. i shld have just stuck to my java chip. gosh. and it was a total waste of buckaroos. hah.

was suppose to head dwn to KAP's macs to meet up with KK in the evening to really put my heart into studying. sadly , aft the nap , the ankle got worse. hahah. so .. i had to kiss that goodbye! hah.

it sucks to have a teacher hope so high for you.naturally , the expectations are higher too. bt when it gets to a point that communicating so damn difficult , it creates a barrier. and MAN! it sucks.
i have MAMBO JAMBO's 2007!
and i just bought holding up the earth by dianne k - i think.
and .. more cd;s.
i hate to think that sometimes , the friendship's a fake and that we;re only like that cause u have smthing to gain. it just seems that way to me. its called the stage of doubt . and i don;t like feeling this way.
okay! (: happy cold night to the rest of the world , holding to thier lives and making them as exciting as it can be. GB!

gabs , i;d be here. no matter what. pour it out , all of it , u'll feel like u;ve gotten a whole load better aft that i feel. it takes time. and i knw u;ll grw out of it stronger. ilu! (:


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