Tuesday, August 28, 2007

life. in us , we live pre-terminally. we're not terminal yet. we're just soon to be. sunday morn i recieved a text. michael passed at 1am that morn. the sudden shock... it all came so quickly! the past 2 nights of wake services has brought a whole diff on-look of the type of person he was. so full of rubbish and terrible lame jokes. so full of that laughter and his charisma. but yet had that big heart tt wld go all out for smone.its funny how we expected him to be always around. to always hold on to that guitar of his and play with his soul out. thats why , it all happened too fast and my mind couldn;t register everything. till yst night's wake service. the way people talk about you when ur laying in the coffin. i mean ... if i were to pass on. and were to be the one laying in the coffin , im quite sure that the world has smthing to say.. well.. maybe loads. be it good or bad. its really heartwarming to knw that michael was smone that was appreciated so much. but it had to be when he was laying in there that people poured out their appreciation. sometimes.. i hope all the appreciation doesnt come out only when im dead and can't hear ya'll anymore. loved michael. always has. and always will. we knw ur in a better place now.


on a much much lighter note! last paper for prelim's tomorrow baby! haha. yep! anyways. i wanna head dwn to the COMEX 2007 this year. see what i can try and get. the people going for the hongkong trip's set! omg. i just can't wait to get done with the o's!

finally. the lappy's on-ed! bt apparently i need to reprog the whole system! which is... smthing i don;t knw. man...... i thought i cld set my stuff in the lappy and finish it up by today!


we need to take time off to let the changes in life register in the brain. if not , one day , when u actually do take time off to look around , you'll realise that almost everything's changed in a blink of an eye.


okay! im off now. to catch NO RESERVATIONS.



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