Friday, August 31, 2007

sometimes. i just wish and wish and wish that i was never made to be where i stand in certain circumstances. really. i wished i had someone to replace this part. tears wasted , terrible anger gushed out .. everything. man! argh. still , i thank god la. it nurtures a sense a responsibility and independence.

i can't wait to get my buttocks outta RS! gosh. okay .. i love the teachers and all. but man!!its just that five years? and ... i realised that i've gone through 3P's through my years! tan , pang and tsung. (however u spell it.) and frankly , i've preferred school life with the first two. theres more life and vibrancy la! still , im graduating like in what ? 3 WEEKS!? arh. time's passing extremely fast larh!

next weeks' sept hol;s! mon;s the bbq at the park with the loved guys! HAH and the few of us girls. (there MIGHT be the stay over) , tues;s the party at SHA's and the stay over. .. stretching to wed. wed evening might be meet up with the bigggggg backsideeeee! ((: thurs and fri's gonna be packed with lessons. sat's cell meeting and outing. sunday's back-up, church. the whole week's JAM-PACKED with activities. how to study like that i ask you ? hur hur. prioritize baby, prioritize.

im just glad i managed to stick by what i said and give my best to forget bout situations. frankly, im darn ass proud of myself. and i really have proven tt i CAN do without people i use to think i'd die not having by my side. we;re graduating baby! and oooooooooooo im bloody excited for the life aft sec school!

okay.shits! this post's so full of graduation. it'd better be a standstill here.

anyways. its pretty nice to catch up with people u weren't so close to. and people ur dearly close to. also , i guess there was pretty much a really nice closure for michael's passing on. i've learnt that we're all just waiting to get dwn to our own time. what matters is what we do when we're waiting. anyways.monday , it was quite power! the way i walked outta hall when everyone was still sitting in. and the walk frm service.H to viewing.H was .. erm. bittersweet. wz! ha. i really. really. really. REALLY . think there's smthing strng going on. ha.

okay lovelyjellybellywelly's... BYE!


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