Monday, October 15, 2007


omg. like screw the test papers i've been doing! its feels like crap when i've done it all and i realise that i don't have the answers printed. seriously. ugh. im purely in a capital-ed "P-I-S-S-E-D" mood. at the damn papers and well , myself and everything. this feeling's been perpetually running inside me since... well. it has been. i don't knw what to do anymore. why now man. why now.

frankly , i can;t exactly find smone to push the blame to for how im feeling right now. its all me.

i've been filled with abit too much of hope that im going to do well. and maybe it seems now placing myself in this position isn't the best idea.

screw yourself
to think you'd give in to the slack now
when things are most tight at.


the sense of damn guilt ,
bt not being able to do anything./knwing bt nt doing.
the heavy-heart.
the self-guilt-tears.

im too pissed.
at myself.


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