Monday, October 22, 2007

its here! finally.

and so , i figure till this point , i've really put in a lot. so im really trusting god on this one. (:

on a totally different note , haha.and i knw i shldn't be here. still. im taking a BREAK from the books so. yeah.

i figure its time. to stop making life work the way i want it to. if he chooses to hang out with them people. then , he;ll hang out with them people. if he chooses to be the person he is now , then he'll be the person he is now.

i dont want to see you the way i want to see you.
i want to see through you and look at you the way you really are.
i don;t want to make myself think that im loving someone fake.

im good! i just somehow needed to state those few obscure sentences above.
im going to miss out on so many things this weekend! gwen's wedding at clark quey and hiding place's anniversary! mannnn. i felt like SHIT having to tell keith that i won;t be doing back up this yr. i really want to! but , i feel like im going against what i knw i shld be doing. so i turned it dwn. im going to miss out in seeing all the "long time no see" peeps from hp. and wz's back from perth! and we haven't talked! i hope we do soon! haha. and! jan's coming up! the bazaar's coming up! so ..HURHURH! okay.fine. i have to finish up with o's first.

aft os! its


okay. listing it all down's gonna take the whole night!

so , back to the point where i was talking about going against what i kwn i shld be doing ..

i knw i shld be going off now.
so ..
ciao ya'll loves!

i'll be back!


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