Monday, October 08, 2007

okay. i currently am really quite fresh. haha. just got outta the showers! and yes. its freaking 1 am now! haha. anyways. i really glad i was reminded of quite a lot of things today. that really , He works. always working. the faith.. really. thats all. today's church bulletin consisted of the most no. of birthday joys! haha. 15 in total! haha. yeah. and 5 on the 9th. okays. so uncle bob prayed for me infront of the congre and well , just as i've been really contemplating on leaving smtime when the time's right , to expand the horizons and give myself a chance to experience smthing new , uncle bob prayed tt i'd continue to serve at where i was. it kinda made me think a lot as i kept my eyes shut. see , He speaks , slowly , but surely.

haha. im quite bummed out by studies now. i feel crappily lifeless! still , marj , being AWESOMELY SWEET (: net chatted this to me.

- Standing on the steps with my heart in my hand says:
trust in the lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding, in all your ways, acknowledge him and he will make your paths straight!

thank you darling. it really works. i mean , as much as im feeling the darn drain right now , i knw everything will be alrights!


i have a few books to grab and just really spend time to read aft the papers which end in , well , 29days baby! ha.

sis got this book from a friend few months back. the time traveler's wife by Audrey Niffenegger. i heard its really good! so , i'll search for it in 29days! hah.

i can't wait for hongkong. well. i don't knw. ARR. okay. im seriously nt in a state to talk abt HK now. haha. books first..

just now , on the phone ,

-then there was this lonnnggggg pause-
HAHA. okay. say it reallllllyyyy fast and you'll knw why! ha.
i was like SHITZZXXZ and i started laughing my ass off. edd and i amazingly thght of the same thing.

okay. i neeeeeeddaaaa head to bed in 5! i need slp. im quite in lack of it now. and i have lessons tmrw! back to sch again... urrrrg. (:!

and crap. its 1.10am. and the people in my block's still freaking playing MAHJONG! its really loud okay. the tiles. UGH.

night darlings!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Haha. Joanne told me that verse! She said that verses of encouragement helped her through her O's so i just thought maybe it will help you too! Besides it's probably one of few i know. HAHA.

7:58 AM  
Blogger mouldleadwalkbeside me said...

it does! i have a few verses on my own. haha. thanks you! (:

7:56 AM  

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