Thursday, November 15, 2007

“our friendships strng and nthing ain’t strng enough to break it.”

i was arranging my desktop today. and scooping out all the rubbish that;s been taking up a whole load of space in my drives. but admist the LOAD of (literally) rubbish , there were nice memories. the doc i saved like 3 years ago while i was talking to gab about how crappily i was feeling. and then , a typed out birthday letter for an old guy friend which was ultra sweet and how i rmbered giving him junk food from so many different countries!he once said , “our friendships strng and nthing ain’t strng enough to break it.” . where do we stand now ? haha. time. a year a go.

been out like ... DAILY! haha. sleeping at terrible odd hours like 4am , 5am everyday! and waking up early to head out. OH NO! very bad habit. ha. vivo tomorrow!

im getting damn lazy to blog! lets see if it changes soon! hah.

okay! i need to head to bed now! im feeling terribly bumed out!

night loves!


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