Thursday, November 08, 2007

we were planning to head dwn to zouk for mambo night. but we ended up at mos! yeap. and one was ultimately drunk, well really drunk. haha. it was fun though! but it was a pity shit happened and i couldn't further continue fun there! ha. and so i was on NR , resigning to theory of the "11months earlier." and then ben called! haha. that saviour! (: he asked me to join them and i was like.... OKAY! ha. so i dropped off opp scotts at park royal. and we hung out!B's friend josh drove us all to bukit timah for like supper! ha. and we just chilled till like 3plusam! josh sent me home aft that and i reached home at 4plusam.

so much for the eventful night. im nw feeling dead tired! ha. have to leave house in 10! to meet up with e guys for lunch at P's place!

okay! byebye world!


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